It's been a little while, so we wanted to give you a quick update on how post-production has been going on our movie.
The Northwest Film Forum. |
So we've been in the editing room quite a bit lately. The editing is being performed in the video editing suite at the Northwest Film Forum (NWFF), which has been a great experience. The workers and other filmmakers there have been helpful and a welcome distraction from time to time. And in a few days we will have a rough cut of the movie finished. The intial cut does run way too long though. The script was twenty-three pages but the intial cut should run about thirty-six minutes. After the intial cut is finished we'll go back through and tighten it up, and then make some wholesale cuts and edits. We'll look to get it down around twenty minutes or so. It'll be tough because there are so many great performances. There's still a lot of work to do (color correction, sound editing, sound mixing, soundtrack, etc.) but the finished product is beginning to come together. We'll have more updates on the other steps of the process as they come along.
We'll keep you updated on when we'll be holding a screening of the finished product. Let us know if you have any throughts or questions.