We are near completion on "The Tao of Lamarr". The soundtrack is being worked on right now and we are hoping to have a final cut of the film by the end of the month. We will keep you updates on our progress.
Marcel and Phil going over production notes. |
But as we finish all that, we have begun pre-production on a whole new short film; this time a co-production with New Focus. It is called "Wrassle-mania". It is a little comedy which is set in the world of backyard wrestling. With this one we are beginning by forming the cast so that we can work and develop the story a bit further with them.
So the casting call is out. If you live in the Seattle area and are possibly interested in getting involved as an actor please look over the roles below and download the appropriate audition scene(s). Do not worry is you do not fit the physical or age description of a certain character; please feel free to audition to anything you have interest in.
You can contact us through our e-mail, which is to the right of the screen, to set up an audition. We look forward to hearing from you.
Character Descriptions:
SHAWN, 20, tall, awkward, and clean-cut. He is a nice guy, and avid pro wrestling fan. His wrestling character is kind of a physically intimidating figure. He is the good guy of the wrestling match.
MICK, 19, chubby and scruffy with a natural smirk at the corner of his lips. He is a wrestling fanatic; he lives and breathes it at all times. His wrestling character is a conniving bad guy.
WALLY, 18, long hair, a bit emo, and exaggeratedly disinterested. He is friends with Shawn and Mick and not a huge fan of wrestling but he is always getting pulled into their wrestling exploits against his will.
JOHN, 12, short, scrawny, and energetic. He is even more fanatical about wrestling than his brother, Mick. He is always seen in a Mexican wrestling attire.
DAD, late 40's, retired military and a bit of a gorilla of a man. He does not approve of his sons' interest in pro wrestling. He sees it as immature and a waste of time. He holds it against Mick that John got into it.
Audition Scenes:
Mick and Shawn
No scene; audition consists of just wrestling